Porridge: Rice vs Oat

“One step forward is a better than none” – unknown In many Asian countries, the word porridge means soft, watery white rice. It is eaten as a savory meal with chicken, egg, onion spring, or fried dough (known as cak-we). In western countries, porridge means oatmeal and usually eaten as sweet meal. It is mixed…

Fat with Protein or Protein with Fat

‘Everything on earth is about how you say it. It’s called marketing’ – Anonymous It’s Monday morning and you’d love to have something nice and easy for your toast. Peanut butter or Chocolate spread? Both tastes good but perceived differently. One always comes as healthy and high protein, the other is perceived as unhealthy and…

Diet Ruins My Metabolism – Myth or Fact?

“You’d be surprise to see how our body can adapt in a relatively short of time” – unknown A while ago, I wrote about energy expenditure and how it influences our weight loss or weight gain journey. I don’t know if you have ever read anything about how doing a diet ruins our body metabolism…

Menstruation, Appetite, and Body Weight

“I don’t know what’s happening to me. They’re called hormones.” – Tahereh Mafi I am reading a book called The Women’s Book from Lyle McDonald. It’s an elaborate explanation about nutrition, fat loss, and muscle gain for woman. It’s a very long book and based on researches and science. Although it feels like reading an…

Changing Lifestyle and Eating Habit

“Everyone is unique” – a well-known phrase Recently, I listened to a podcast by Stronger by Science where they talked about behavior change and eating habit. They invited Dr. Krista Scott-Dixon, a coach lead in Precision Nutrition. She mentioned a very good things during the show: you should adjust the approach based on the clients…

Eating Habit: Start Small but Consistent

“Big things has small beginnings.” – Prometheus Since lock down happened, some of us may have gained some weight. It can be caused by snacking more often at home, changes in eating pattern, or less physical activities. All results in one situation: intake calorie is higher than calories used by the body.  In the early…

Tips to Stop Eating

‘Someone has to be the villain so everyone else can stay alive.’ – Josephine Angelini I have a very weak control when it comes to food. It is not that I am over weight but I do realise I often binging and eat unhealthily. Therefore, I have been trying to rebuild my relationship with food…